Conceptual Abstraction in Humans and Robots (ABSTRACTRON) Robot-assisted Assembling and Disassembling of Color Bars (ROBOASSIST) Robot-assisted Assembling and Disassembling to facilitate Remanufacturing and Product Reuse (REMANUFACTURING) Automatic optimal-reward-frequency selection by arousal estimation and optimization for the enhancement of ILF neurofeedback treatments (ORFARO) Clothoids for Robotics (CLO4ROB) Performance Management Through Skill and Activity-Based Shop Floor Management (DSFM) Open-Ended Learning for Interactive Robots (OLIVER) Optimisation of the robustness of compaction presses in powder metallurgy through adaptive press control (RobuSinter) Service robot demonstrator for the NOI Techpark (NOIx) Human-centered and Machine Intelligence Lab (MELANIE) Photography: credits NOI Techpark/Daniele Fiorentino